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RIT featured in Monopoly’s new Rochester edition

Iconic board game unveiled its newest edition featuring Flower City highlights

Scott Hamilton/RIT">

A close-up of the Monopoly Rochester Edition board featuring the Rochester Institute of Technology property card, a Community Chest card, dice, Monopoly money, and various game pieces on a colorful board with local landmarks.

Scott Hamilton/RIT

RIT is featured on one of the property spaces in the Rochester edition of Monopoly. There is also a large photo of Institute Hall on the board, as well as a Community Chest card mentioning RIT.

Rochester Institute of Technology just acquired some new real estate: in the green neighborhood of the Rochester edition of the Monopoly board game.

The Rochester edition was unveiled Tuesday at The Strong National Museum of Play, which currently displays the original 1933 Monopoly prototype game with a circular board and hand-carved hotels and houses.


he Monopoly Rochester Edition game set up on an orange background, showing the board, property cards, Monopoly money, game pieces, and the box featuring images of Rochester landmarks.

Scott Hamilton/RIT

The Rochester edition of Monopoly was unveiled Tuesday at The Strong National Museum of Play.

Other than occupying one of the green properties, RIT is prominently featured with a large photo of Institute Hall in the center of the board. A Community Chest card also congratulates the holder for graduating from RIT. “You’re always sure to move on to something amazing,” it says.

Game officials approached Rochester’s Chamber of Commerce last summer to scout out the possibility of developing the special edition. They soon found no shortage of companies and locations to feature, including High Falls, lilacs, the Garbage Plate, and Strasenburgh Planetarium.

Rochester Mayor Malik Evans attended the unveiling and said he hopes people across the country will enjoy playing the Rochester edition. “We hope this will entice them to visit us,” he said.

The game will be available for $44.95 in local toy stores and bookstores where board games are sold.

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